Curriculum vitae

Andrew Cadle Fowler

Mathematical Institute,
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter,
Woodstock Road,
Oxford, OX2 6GG,



Date of Birth:
25 July 1953

Place of Birth:
Belfast, Northern Ireland


Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, England, 1971-1977.

B.A. Honours, first class (mathematics) 1974; M.Sc., 1975; M.A., D.Phil., 1978.

Academic Career:
1977-1980 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin, Republic of Ireland.
1980-1982 Instructor of Applied Mathematics, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A.
1982-1984 Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics, M.I.T.
1985-2013 University Lecturer in Mathematics and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford University.
1985-2007 Tutor in Mathematics, Corpus Christi College
1989-1999 Senior Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College.
1999-2004, 2005-7. Adjunct Professor, University of Limerick, Ireland.
2007-2012 Stokes Professor, University of Limerick.
2007-2021 Senior Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College.
2013- Research Professor, University of Limerick.
2014-2021 Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Oxford.
2014-2016, 2018-2021 Adjunct Professor, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
2019 Member of the Royal Irish Academy.
2020 Awarded Seligman Crystal, International Glaciological Society.
2021 John F. Nye invited lecturer, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.
2024 Boeing Applied Mathematics Colloquium speaker, University of Washington.

Graduate Supervision

M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics (Trinity College Dublin) (1)
Rody Ryan, 1978-1979, Mathematical analysis of one-dimensional shear flows in the Earth's upper mantle.

M.Sc. in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing (Oxford) (33)
Peter Gillott, 1985, A flow model for ice sheets
Chris Aldridge, 1989, A two-fluid model of a vertical boiler
Felix Dux, 1989 Defects in spatiotemporal patterns governed by the Ginzburg-Landau equation
Paul Emms, 1990, A mathematical model for alloy solidification
Jonathan Wattis, 1990, Bifurcations and chaos in a differential-delay equation
Rubel Molla, 1990, Mathematical modelling of two-phase flow in a helical boiler
Giri Kalamangalam, 1991, Mathematical modelling of respiratory control
Terence Hoggart, 1991, Ozone depletion in the Antarctic stratosphere
Nicola Neary, 1991, Filtration of mud through porous rock
Terry Watts, 1992 Surging glaciers
Alun James, 1992 Mathematical modelling of river network evolution
Pierre-Joseph Paoli, 1992 Multiphase flow in porous media at low interfacial tension
Philippe Sagar, 1993 Nonlinear time sequence analysis
Barry de Souza, 1994 Mathematical modelling of lung mechanics and respiratory rhythmogenesis
Huw Evans, 1994 Nonlinear filtering of time series
Louise Wright, 1995 Subglacial drainage mechanisms
Isla Gilmour, 1995 Coupled fluctuations of blood pressure and heart rate time series
David Hassell, 1996 An analysis of the site model for spruce budworm infestations (with D. Allwright)
Oonagh MacInnes, 1997 An examination of the spatial spread of rabies
Claire Thompson, 1998 Tracer dispersion in fully mixed two-phase flow
Nicola Toschi, 1998 Models for baroreceptor reflex sensitivity
Adam Dawlatly, 1999 Gas-liquid flow in a near horizontal oil well
Déirdre Hollingsworth, 1999 Modelling rhizomania in sugar beet
David Rogers, 2000 The stability of AGR pod boilers
Richard Hall, 2000 A mathematical model for longitudinal bone growth (with P. Maini)
Brent Neiman, 2000 A mathematical model of chronic myelogenous leukaemia
Henry Winstanley, 2001 The formation of river networks
Taheri Ahmed, 2002 Investigation into the modelling of roll waves
Christopher Ham, 2002 Respiratory control and periodic breathing
Leanne Roberts, 2005 Distributed blood flow model of respiratory control
Jane Mawdsley, 2005 Bioremediation of polluted groundwater flow
Rhiannon Davies, 2012 Examining a simple model of ice ages
Zhongzhen Wang, 2014 Climate change and the carbon cycle

M.Sc. in Applied and Computational Mathematics (Oxford) (6)
John Fozard, 2001 Terrain slugging in near horizontal oilwells
Ivana Drobnjak, 2001 Mathematical model of chronic myelogenous leukaemia
Laura Campbell, 2002 A theory of tidewater glaciers
Rachel Zammett, 2004 The formation and evolution of spiral troughs in the Martian North Polar Ice Cap
Oliver Clary, 2005 Outbreaks of Epirrita Autumnata in Northern Finland. (With Tiina Roose.)
Sarah McBurnie, 2006 Two-phase flow in volcanic eruptions.

M.Sc. by research (Oxford) (3)
Peter Corvi, 1987, A study of erosion and drainage in subglacial sediments
Alex Dandashi, 1994, Interaction of a line vortex with a shear flow
Marianna Nodale, 2009, Mathematical modelling of ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics

Mastère specialisé en Météorologie, École Nationale de Météorologie (1)
Nicolas Fournier, 1998, Synchronisation of ice sheet surges under the influence of climatic forcing

M.Sc. in Mathematical Modelling (Limerick) (3)
Lisa McCarthy, 2013, Oscillations in a marine food web.
James Fannon, 2016, A theoretical and numerical investigation of the instability theory of drumlin formation (with James Gleeson and Iain Moyles).
Robert Garvey, 2018, Oceanic anoxia events (with John Donohue).

D.Phil. (Oxford) (26)

Pamela Seward, 1989, A two-fluid model for the analysis of gross flow instabilities in boiling systems (with Brian Hands)
Jacob Anderson, 1991, Mathematical modelling of lake level fluctuations
Michael Vynnycky, 1991, Mathematical modelling of the heat and mass transfer in welding processes
Simon Acomb, 1992, Applications of nonlinear dynamics to time dependent thermal convection
Paul Emms, 1993, Compositional convection and freckle formation in the solidification of binary alloys
Chris Aldridge, 1995, Density-wave oscillations in two-phase flows
David Drysdale, 1995, Homoclinic bifurcations
Giri Kalamangalam, 1995 Nonlinear oscillations and chaos in chemical cardiorespiratory control
Clare Johnson, 1995 The mathematical and numerical modelling of Antarctic ice streams
Chris Noon, 1996 Secondary frost heave in freezing soils
Taryn Malcolm, 1997 Multiphase flow in porous media
Yang Xin-She, 1998 Mathematical modelling of compaction and diagenesis in sedimentary basins
Felix Ng, 1998 Mathematical modelling of subglacial drainage and erosion
Tiina Roose, 2000 Mathematical model of plant nutrient uptake (with Peter Darrah)
Christian Schoof, 2002 Mathematical models of glacier sliding and drumlin formation
Rob Hinch, 2002 Mathematical models of the heart (with Denis Noble)
Dave Cocks, 2006 Mathematical modelling of dune formation
Charles Oakley, 2007 The formation of river networks
Geoff Evatt, 2007 Jökulhlaups and sub-glacial floods
Rachel Zammett, 2008 Gravity currents on Earth and Mars
Ian Hewitt 2009 Mathematical modelling of geophysical melt drainage
Henry Winstanley 2011 Mathematical modelling of biofilm growth and bioavailability
Gemma Fay 2012 Mathematical modelling of turbidity currents (with Peter Howell)
Teresa Kyrke-Smith 2014 Ice-stream dynamics: the coupled flow of ice sheets and subglacial hydrology (with Richard Katz)
Tania Khaleque 2015 Strongly variable viscosity flows in mantle convection (with Peter Howell)
Victoria Pereira 2019 Multiphase pipe flow with an application to oil wells

Ph.D. (University of Limerick) (5)

Laura Cribbin 2014 Soil bacterial processes and dynamics (with Sarah Mitchell)
Israel Ikoyi 2018 The impact of phosphorus and sulfur fertilizer application on soil microbiota, nematodes and grass growth in grassland columns (with Achim Schmalenberger)
Jan Knappe 2019 The influence of a growing microbial biomat on water retention and pollutant attenuation in soil treatment units receiving domestic effluent (with Laurence Gill)
James Fannon 2020 Mathematical modelling of subglacial bedform formation and dense granular flows (with Iain Moyles)
Alina Dubovskaya 2021 The dynamics of phosphate in soils and the dynamics of swirling jets (with Iain Moyles)
Robert Garvey 2023 Aspects of mass extinctions.

Society Membership
International Glaciological Society, 1977-
American Geophysical Union, 1982-
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001-2006.
Society for Mathematical Biology, 2003-2008.

Editorial Board, Journal of Glaciology, 1987-1995
Editorial Board, Nonlinearity, 1987-90
Reviewer, Mathematical Reviews, 1985-2012
Scientific Editor, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 23 (1996)
Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 2002-2004
Scientific Editor, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 37 (2003)
Chief Scientific Editor, Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 52 (2008)
Editorial Board, Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 2012-
Editorial Board, International Journal of Geomathematics, 2012-2017.
Advisory Board Member, Geosystems Mathematics, Springer book series, 2014-2016.

Research Interests
Glaciology: glacier flow, ice sheet dynamics, basal sliding, subglacial hydrology, glaciology on Mars.
Geophysics: mantle convection, dynamics of the Earth's core, solidification, processes in magma chambers, magma transport.
Earth-surface processes: river networks, dunes, drumlins.
Other environmental: bioremediation, plant physiology.
Industrial: alloy solidification, two phase flow.
Nonlinear dynamics: chaos in differential equations, turbulence, shear flows, convection. Time series analysis. Differential-delay equations.
Medical and biological: respiratory and cardiac physiology, leukaemia, stem cell dynamics, medical data analysis, immunology.

Doctoral thesis: Glacier dynamics, Oxford 1977.



  1. Fowler, A.C. 1997 Mathematical models in the applied sciences, xiv + 402 pp. C.U.P., Cambridge.

  2. Fowler, A. 2011 Mathematical geoscience, xix + 883 pp. Springer-Verlag, London.

  3. Fowler, A. and M. McGuinness 2019 Chaos: an introduction for applied mathematicians, ix + 303 pp. Springer Nature, Switzerland.

  4. Fowler, A. and F. Ng (eds.) 2021 Glaciers and ice sheets in the climate system: the Karthaus summer school lecture notes, xxvii + 539 pp. Springer Nature, Switzerland


  1. Fowler, A.C. 1977 Convective diffusion of an enzyme reaction. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 33, 289-297. [1977.1]

  2. Fowler, A.C. 1978 Linear and nonlinear stability of heat exchangers. J. Inst. Maths. Applics. 22, 361-382. [1978.1]

  3. Fowler, A.C. and D.A. Larson 1978 On the flow of polythermal glaciers I: Model and preliminary analysis. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A363, 217-242. [1978.2]

  4. Fowler, A.C. 1979 The use of a rational model in the mathematical analysis of a polythermal glacier. J. Glaciol. 24, 443-456. [1979.1]

  5. Fowler, A.C. 1979 A mathematical approach to the theory of glacier sliding. J. Glaciol. 23, 131-141. [1979.2]

  6. Fowler, A.C. 1980 The existence of multiple steady states in the flow of large ice masses. J. Glaciol. 25, 183-184. [1980.1]

  7. Fowler, A.C. and D.A. Larson 1980 On the flow of polythermal glaciers. II. Surface wave analysis. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A370, 155-171. [1980.2]

  8. Fowler, A.C. and D.A. Larson 1980 The uniqueness of steady state flows of glaciers and ice sheets. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. 63, 333-345. [1980.3]

  9. Fowler, A.C. and D.A. Larson 1980 Thermal stability properties of a model of glacier flow. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. 63, 347-359. [1980.4]

  10. Fowler, A.C. 1981 A theoretical treatment of the sliding of glaciers in the absence of cavitation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A298, 637-685. [1981.1]

  11. Fowler, A.C. 1981 Approximate solution of a model of biological immune responses incorporating delay. J. Math. Biol. 13, 23-45. [1981.2]

  12. Fowler, A.C. 1982 An asymptotic analysis of the logistic delay equation when the delay is large. IMA J. Appl. Math. 28, 41-49. [1982.1]

  13. Fowler, A.C. 1982 Waves on glaciers. J. Fluid Mech. 120, 283-321. [1982.2]

  14. Fowler, A.C., J.D. Gibbon and M.J. McGuinness 1982 The complex Lorenz equations. Physica 4D, 139-163. [1982.3]

  15. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 1982 A description of the Lorenz attractor at high Prandtl number. Physica 5D, 149-182. [1982.4]

  16. Fowler, A.C. 1982 The depth of convection in a fluid with strongly temperature and pressure dependent viscosity. Geophys. Res. Letts. 9, 816-819. [1982.5]

  17. Booty, M., J.D. Gibbon and A.C. Fowler 1982 A study of the effect of mode truncation on an exact periodic solution of an infinite set of Lorenz equations Phys. Letts. 87A, 261-266. [1982.6]

  18. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 1982 Hysteresis in the Lorenz equations. Phys. Letts. 92A, 103-106. [1982.7]

  19. Fowler, A.C. 1983 Preferred aspect ratios of convection in a strongly temperature and pressure dependent viscous fluid. Phys. Earth Planet. Int. 31, 83-90. [1983.1]

  20. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 1983 Hysteresis, period doubling and intermittency at high Prandtl number in the Lorenz equations. Stud. Appl. Math. 69, 99-126. [1983.2]

  21. Fowler, A.C. 1983 On the thermal state of the earth's mantle. J. Geophys. 53, 42-51. [1983.3]

  22. Fowler, A.C., J.D. Gibbon and M.J. McGuinness 1983 The real and complex Lorenz equations and their relevance to physical systems. Physica 7D, 126-134. [1983.4]

  23. Fowler, A.C. 1983 Reply (to Dr Christensen's comments). J. Geophys. 53, 203-205. [1983.5]

  24. Fowler, A.C. 1983 Note on a paper by G. Rowlands, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 16, 3139-3143. [1983.6]

  25. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 1984 On the nature of the torus in the complex Lorenz equations. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 44, 681-700. [1984.1]

  26. Fowler, A.C. 1984 On the transport of moisture in polythermal glaciers. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 28, 99-140. [1984.2]

  27. Coleman, K.D. and A.C. Fowler 1984 A mathematical model of exoprotein production in bacteria. IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Biol. 1, 77-94. [1984.3]

  28. Fowler, A.C. 1984 Analysis of the Lorenz equations for large r. Stud. Appl. Math. 70, 215-233. [1984.4]

  29. Fowler, A.C. 1984 The use of the method of averaging in predicting chaotic motion. Phys. Letts. 100A, 1-6. [1984.5]

  30. Fowler, A.C. 1985 Fast thermoviscous convection. Stud. Appl. Math. 72, 189-219. [1985.1]

  31. Fowler, A.C. 1985 A mathematical model of magma transport in the asthenosphere. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 33, 63-96. [1985.2]

  32. Fowler, A.C. 1985 Secular cooling in convection. Stud. Appl. Math. 72, 161-171. [1985.3]

  33. Fowler, A.C. 1985 A simple model of convection in the terrestrial planets. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 31, 283-309. [1985.4]

  34. Fowler, A.C. 1985 The formation of freckles in binary alloys. IMA J. Appl. Math. 35, 159-174. [1985.5]

  35. Fowler, A.C. 1986 Thermal runaway in the Earth's mantle. Stud. Appl. Math. 74, 1-34. [1986.1]

  36. Fowler, A.C. 1986 A sliding law for glaciers of constant viscosity in the presence of subglacial cavitation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A407, 147-170. [1986.2]

  37. Fowler, A.C. 1986 Analytic methods for predicting chaos. In: Nonlinear Phenomena and Chaos, ed. S. Sarkar, Adam Hilger, Bristol: pp. 284-302. [1986.3]

  38. Fowler, A.C. 1986 Subtemperate basal sliding. J. Glaciol. 32, 3-5. [1986.4]

  39. Fowler, A.C. 1987 Sliding with cavity formation. J. Glaciol. 33, 255-267. [1987.1]

  40. Fowler, A.C. 1987 A theory of glacier surges. J. Geophys. Res. 92, 9,111-9,120. [1987.2]

  41. Fowler, A.C. 1987 Theories of mushy zones: applications to alloy solidification, magma transport, frost heave and igneous intrusions. In: Structure and Dynamics of Partially Solidified Systems, ed. D. Loper, NATO ASI series, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht: pp. 161-199. [1987.3]

  42. Fowler, A.C. 1989 Generation and creep of magma in the earth. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 49, 231-245. [1989.1]

  43. Fowler, A.C. 1989 A mathematical analysis of glacier surges. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 49, 246-262. [1989.2]

  44. Bergstrom, T., S. Cowley, A.C. Fowler and P.E. Seward 1989 Segregation of carbon paste in a smelting electrode. IMA J. Appl. Math. 43, 83-99. [1989.3]

  45. Fowler, A.C. 1989 Secondary frost heave in freezing soils. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 49, 991-1008. [1989.4]

  46. Fowler, A.C. 1990 Homoclinic bifurcations in n dimensions. Stud. Appl. Math. 83, 193-209. [1990.1]

  47. Fowler, A.C. 1990 Homoclinic bifurcations for partial differential equations in unbounded domains. Stud. Appl. Math. 83, 329-353. [1990.2]

  48. Fowler, A.C. 1990 Homoclinic bifurcations in ordinary and partial differential equations. In: New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics and Pattern-forming Phenomena, eds. P. Coullet and P. Huerre, NATO ASI series B, vol. 237, pp. 295-303. [1990.3]

  49. Fowler, A.C. 1990 A compaction model for melt transport in the Earth's asthenosphere. I. The basic model. In: Magma transport and storage, ed. M.P. Ryan, John Wiley, pp. 3-14. [1990.4]

  50. Fowler, A.C. 1990 A compaction model for melt transport in the Earth's asthenosphere. II. Applications. In: Magma transport and storage, ed. M.P. Ryan, John Wiley, pp. 15-32. [1990.5]

  51. Fowler, A.C. and S.D. Howison 1990 Temperature surges in thermistors. Proc. 3rd Conf. on Mathematics in Industry, eds. J. Manley, S. McKee and D. Owens, Kluwer, pp. 197-204. [1990.6]

  52. Fowler, A.C. and C. Sparrow 1991 Bifocal homoclinic orbits in four dimensions. Nonlinearity 4, 1,159-1,182. [1991.1]

  53. Fowler, A.C., I. Frigaard and S.D. Howison 1992 Temperature surges in current-limiting circuit devices. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 52, 998-1,011. [1992.1]

  54. Fowler, A.C. and P.E. Lisseter 1992 Flooding and flow reversal in annular two-phase flows. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 52, 15-33. [1992.2]

  55. Lisseter, P.E. and A.C. Fowler 1992 Bubbly flow. Part I: a simplified mode. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 18, 195-204. [1992.3]

  56. Lisseter, P.E. and A.C. Fowler 1992 Bubbly flow. Part II: modelling void fraction waves. Int. J. Multiphase Flow 18, 205-215. [1992.4]

  57. Aldridge, C.J. and A.C. Fowler 1992 Mathematical modelling of thermosyphons in cryogenic air separation plants. Proc. 6th European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, ed. F. Hodnett; B.G. Teubner, Leipzig, pp. 75-78. [1992.5]

  58. Emms, P. and A.C. Fowler 1992 The onset of freckling in the solidification of binary alloys. In: Interactive dynamics of convection and solidification, eds. S.H. Davis, H.E. Huppert, U. Müller and M.G. Worster. NATO ASI Series E, Vol. 219, pp. 147-150. [1992.6]

  59. Kember, G. and A.C. Fowler 1992 Random sampling and the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm. Phys. Letts. A161, 429-432. [1992.7]

  60. Fowler, A.C. 1992 Modelling ice sheet dynamics. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 63, 29-65. [1992.8]

  61. Audet, D.M. and A.C. Fowler 1992 A mathematical model for compaction in sedimentary basins. Geophys. J. Int. 110, 577-590. [1992.9]

  62. Fowler, A.C. 1992 Convection and chaos. In: Chaotic processes in the geological sciences, ed. David A. Yuen, Springer-Verlag, pp. 43-69. [1992.10]

  63. Fowler, A.C. and J.S. Walder 1993 Creep closure of channels in deforming subglacial till. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A441, 17-31. [1993.1]

  64. Fowler, A.C. 1993 Asymptotic analysis of the O'Neill/Miller model for secondary frost heave. In: Free boundary problems in fluid flow with applications, eds. J.M. Chadam and H. Rasmussen, Pitman Research Notes Vol. 282, pp. 204-214. [1993.2]

  65. Fowler, A.C. 1993 Towards a description of convection with temperature and pressure dependent viscosity. Stud. Appl. Math. 88, 113-139. [1993.3]

  66. Fowler, A.C. and G. Kember 1993 Delay recognition in chaotic time series. Phys. Letts. A 175, 402-408. [1993.4]

  67. Fowler, A.C. and C.G. Noon 1993 A simplified numerical solution of the Miller model of secondary frost heave. Cold Reg. Res. Technol. 21, 327-336. [1993.5]

  68. Kember, G. and A.C. Fowler 1993 A correlation function for choosing time delay in phase portrait reconstructions. Phys. Letts. A 179, 72-80. [1993.6]

  69. Dewynne, J.N., A.C. Fowler and P.S. Hagan 1993 Multiple reaction fronts in the oxidation/reduction of iron-rich uranium ores. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 53, 971-989. [1993.7]

  70. Kember, G., A.C. Fowler and J. Holubeshen 1993 Forecasting river flows that show low-dimensional dynamics. Stoch. Hydraul. Hydrol. 7, 205-212. [1993.8]

  71. Aldridge, C.J. and A.C. Fowler 1993 Dynamics of a reduced model of two-phase flow in a boiling channel. Proc. Int. Symp. Instabilities in Multiphase Flows, eds. G. Gouesbet and A. Berlemont, Plenum, New York, pp. 137-148. [1993.9]

  72. Fowler, A.C., G.P. Kalamangalam and G. Kember 1993 A mathematical analysis of the Grodins model of respiratory control. IMA J. Maths. Appl. Med. Biol. 10, 249-280. [1993.10]

  73. Fowler, A.C. 1993 Boundary layer theory and subduction. J. Geophys. Res. 98, 21,997-22,005. [1993.11]

  74. Fowler, A.C., C.G. Noon and W.B. Krantz 1993 A computationally feasible reduction of the O'Neill-Miller model of secondary frost heave. Proc. VI Int. Conf. Permafrost, Beijing, China, Vol. 2, pp. 1100-1104. South China University of Technology Press; Wushan Guangzhou, China. [1993.12]

  75. Emms, P. and A.C. Fowler 1994 Compositional convection and freckle formation in the solidification of binary alloys. J. Fluid Mech. 262, 111-139. [1994.1]

  76. Walder, J.S. and A. Fowler 1994 Channelised subglacial drainage over a deformable bed. J. Glaciol. 40, 3-15. [1994.2]

  77. Fowler, A.C., G. Kember, P. Johnson, S. J. Walter, P. Fleming and M. Clements 1994 A method for filtering respiratory oscillations. J. Theor. Biol. 170, 273-281. [1994.3]

  78. Fowler, A.C. and W.B. Krantz 1994 A generalised secondary frost heave model. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 54, 1650-1675. [1994.4]

  79. Fowler, A.C. and G. Kember 1995 A nonlinear filtering technique for multi-oscillator systems. Comput. Maths. Applics. 29 (4), 55-67 (1995). [1995.1]

  80. Sherratt, J.A., M.A. Lewis and A.C. Fowler 1995 Ecological chaos in the wake of invasion. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 2524-2528. [1995.2]

  81. Fowler, A.C. and C. Johnson 1995 Hydraulic runaway: a mechanism for thermally regulated surges of ice sheets. J. Glaciol. 41, 554-561. [1995.3]

  82. Fowler, A.C. and G. Kember 1996 On the Lorenz-Krishnamurthy slow manifold. J. Atmos. Sci. 53, 1433-1437. [1996.1]

  83. Fowler, A.C. and S.B.G. O'Brien 1996 A mechanism for episodic subduction on Venus. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 4755-4763. [1996.2]

  84. Fowler, A.C. and F.S.L. Ng 1996 The rôle of sediment transport in the mechanics of jökulhlaups. Ann. Glaciol. 22, 255-259. [1996.3]

  85. Fowler, A.C. 1997 Glaciers and ice sheets. In: The mathematics of models for climatology and environment. NATO ASI Series I, Global Environmental Change, No. 48, ed. J.I. Diaz, pp. 301-335. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [1996.4]

  86. Aldridge, C.J. and A.C. Fowler 1996 Stability and instability in evaporating two-phase flows. Surveys Math. Indust. 6, 75-107. [1996.5]

  87. Fowler, A.C. and C. Johnson 1996 Ice sheet surging and ice stream formation. Ann. Glaciol. 23, 68-73. [1996.6]

  88. Fowler, A.C. and D.R. Scott 1996 Hydraulic crack propagation in a porous medium. Geophys. J. Int. 127, 595-604. [1996.7]

  89. Fowler, A.C. and C.G. Noon 1997 The formation of massive ice in permafrost. In: Ground freezing 97: frost action in soils, ed. Sven Knutsson. Proc. Int. Symp. Ground freezing and frost action in soils, Luleå, Sweden. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 81-85. [1997.1]

  90. Fowler, A.C. and C.G. Noon 1997 Differential frost heave in seasonally frozen soils. International symposium on Physics, Chemistry, and Ecology of Seasonally Frozen Soils, Fairbanks, Alaska. CRREL special report 97-10, Hanover, New Hampshire, pp. 247-252. [1997.2]

  91. Kember, G., A.C. Fowler and H.B. Evans 1997 Local nonlinear filtering. J. Nonlin. Sci. 7, 411-425. [1997.3]

  92. Fowler, A.C. and G. Kember 1998 Singular systems analysis as a moving window spectral method. Euro. J. Appl. Math. 9, 55-79. [1998.1]

  93. Fowler, A.C. and E. Schiavi 1998 A theory of ice sheet surges. J. Glaciol. 44, 104-118. [1998.2]

  94. O'Brien, S.B.G, E.G. Gath, A.C. Fowler and G. Kember 1998 Asymptotics with small exponent in a model for ice-sheet surging. Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad. 98A, 67-80. [1998.3]

  95. Fowler, A.C. and Xin-she Yang 1998 Fast and slow compaction in sedimentary basins. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 59, 365-385. [1998.4]

  96. Fowler, A.C. and C.G. Noon 1999 Mathematical models of compaction, consolidation, and regional groundwater flow. Geophys. J. Int. 136, 251-260. [1999.1]

  97. Hassell, D.C., D.J. Allwright and A.C. Fowler 1999 A mathematical analysis of Jones's site model for spruce budworm infestations. J. Math. Biol. 38, 377-421. [1999.2]

  98. Fowler, A.C. and Xinshe Yang 1999 Pressure solution and viscous compaction in sedimentary basins. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 12,989-12,997. [1999.3]

  99. Fowler, A.C. 1999 Breaking the seal at Grímsvötn, Iceland. J. Glaciol. 45, 506-516. [1999.4]

  100. Fowler, A.C., G. Kember and S.B.G. O'Brien 2000 Small exponent asymptotics. IMA J. Appl. Math. 64, 23-38. [2000.1]

  101. Fowler, A.C. and G. Kalamangalam 2000 The rôle of the central chemoreceptor in causing periodic breathing. IMA J. Appl. Math. Med. Biol. 17, 147-167. [2000.2]

  102. Fowler, A.C. 2000 The effect of incubation time distribution on the extinction characteristics of a rabies epizootic. Bull. Math. Biol. 62, 633-655. [2000.3]

  103. Fowler, A.C. 2000 An instability mechanism for drumlin formation. Deformation of glacial materials, eds. A. Maltman, M.J. Hambrey and B. Hubbard, Spec. Pub. Geol. Soc. 176, 307-319. [2000.4]

  104. Kember, G.C., J.D. Evans, A.C. Fowler and S.B.G. O'Brien 2000 Exponential asymptotics with a small exponent. Quart. Appl. Math. 58, 561-576. [2000.5]

  105. Fowler, A.C. 2001 Modelling the flow of glaciers and ice sheets. In: Continuum mechanics and applications in geophysics and the environment, eds. B. Straughan, R. Greve, H. Ehrentraut, and Y. Wang, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 201-221. [2001.1]

  106. Roose, T., A.C. Fowler and P.R. Darrah 2001 A mathematical model of plant nutrient uptake. J. Math. Biol. 42, 347-360. [2001.2]

  107. Fowler, A.C. 2001 Dunes and drumlins. In: Geomorphological fluid mechanics, eds. A. Provenzale and N. Balmforth, pp. 430-454, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [2001.3]

  108. Fowler, A.C. 2001 Analysis of an endothermic reaction in a packed column. In: Mathematical modelling: case studies in industry, eds. E. Cumberbatch and A.D. Fitt, pp. 160-180, C.U.P., Cambridge. [2001.4]

  109. Fowler, A.C., Tavi Murray and F.S.L. Ng 2001 Thermally controlled glacier surges. J. Glaciol. 47, 527-538. [2001.5]

  110. Fowler, A.C. and Xinshe Yang 2002 Loading and unloading of sedimentary basins: the effect of rheological hysteresis. J. Geophys. Res. 107, B4, ETG1-1 -ETG1-8. [2002.1]

  111. Fowler, A.C. 2002 Compaction and diagenesis. In: Resource recovery, confinement, and remediation of environmental hazards, eds. J. Chadam, A. Cunningham, R. Ewing, P. Ortoleva and M. Wheeler, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its applications, vol. 131, pp. 247-262, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. [2002.2]

  112. Fowler, A.C. and M.C. Mackey 2002 Relaxation oscillations in a class of delay-differential equations. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 63 (1), 299-323. [2002.3]

  113. Fowler, A.C. 2002 Evolution equations for dunes and drumlins. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Serie A. Mat. 96 (3), 377-387. [2002.4]

  114. Fowler, A.C. and P.D. Howell 2003 Intermittency in the transition to turbulence. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 63 (4), 1184-1207. [2003.1]

  115. Fowler, A.C. 2003 Rheology of subglacial till [letter]. J. Glaciol. 48 (163), 631-632. [2003.2]

  116. Fowler, A.C. and G.P. Kalamangalam 2003 Periodic breathing at high altitude. IMA J. Appl. Math. Med. Biol. 19 (4), 293-313. [2003.3]

  117. Fowler, A.C. 2003 A mathematical model of differential frost heave. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Permafrost, eds. M. Philips, S.M. Springman and L. Arenson, volume 1, pp. 249-252, A.A. Balkema, Lisse. [2003.4]

  118. Fowler, A.C. and S.B.G. O'Brien 2003 Lithospheric failure on Venus. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A459, 2663-2704. [2003.5]

  119. Fowler, A.C. and Xinshe Yang 2003 Dissolution/precipitation mechanisms for diagenesis in sedimentary basins. J. Geophys. Res. 108, B10, 2509, doi: 10.1029/2002JB002269. EPM 13 1-14. [2003.6]

  120. Fowler, A.C. 2003 On the rheology of till. Ann. Glaciol. 37, 55-59. [2003.7]

  121. Roose, T. and A.C. Fowler 2004 A model for water uptake by plant roots. J. Theor. Biol. 228 (2), 155-171. [2004.1]

  122. Roose, T. and A.C. Fowler 2004 A mathematical model for water and nutrient uptake by plant root systems. J. Theor. Biol. 228 (2), 173-184. [2004.2]

  123. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 2005 A delay recruitment model of the cardiovascular control system. J. Math. Biol. 51 (5), 508-526. [2005.1]

  124. McSharry, P.E., M.J. McGuinness and A.C. Fowler 2005 Confronting a cardiovascular system model with heart rate and blood pressure data. Comput. Cardiol. 32, 587-590. [2005.2]

  125. Fowler, A.C. 2005 Asymptotic methods for delay equations. J. Eng. Maths. 53, 271-290. [2005.3]

  126. Evatt, G.W., A.C. Fowler, C.D. Clark and N. Hulton 2006 Subglacial floods beneath ice sheets. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 364, 1769-1794. [2006.1]

  127. Colijn, Caroline, A.C. Fowler and Michael C. Mackey 2006 High frequency spikes in long period blood cell oscillations. J. Math. Biol. 53, 499-519. [2006.2]

  128. Drobnjak, I., A.C. Fowler and M.C. Mackey 2006 Oscillations in a maturation model of blood cell production. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 66, 2027-2048. [2006.3]

  129. Fowler, A.C., Natalia Kopteva and Charles Oakley 2007 The formation of river channels. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 67, 1016-1040. [2007.1]

  130. Evatt, G.W. and A.C. Fowler 2007 Cauldron subsidence and subglacial floods. Ann. Glaciol. 45, 163-168. [2007.2]

  131. Zammett, R.J. and A.C. Fowler 2007 Katabatic winds on ice sheets: a refinement of the Prandtl model. J. Atmos. Sci. 64, 2,707-2,716. [2007.3]

  132. Rodríguez-González, J.G., M. Santillán, A.C. Fowler and M.C. Mackey 2007 The segmentation clock in mice: interaction between the Wnt and Notch signalling pathways. J. Theor. Biol. 248, 37-47. [2007.4]

  133. Robinson, Marguerite, A.C. Fowler, A.J. Alexander and S.B.G. O'Brien 2008 Waves in Guinness. Phys. Fluids 20, 067101. [2008.1]

  134. Hewitt, I.J. and A.C. Fowler 2008 Partial melting in an upwelling mantle column. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A464 (2097), 2,467-2,491. [2008.2]

  135. Roose, T. and A.C. Fowler 2008 Network development in biological gels: role in lymphatic vessel development. Bull. Math. Biol. 70, 1,772-1,789. [2008.3]

  136. Hewitt, I.J. and A.C. Fowler 2008 Seasonal waves on glaciers. Hydrological processes 22 (19), 3919-3930. [2008.4]

  137. Díaz, J.I., A.C. Fowler, A.I. Muñoz and E. Schiavi 2008 Mathematical analysis of a model of river channel formation. Pure Appl. Geophys. 165, 1,663-1,682. [2008.5]

  138. Fowler, A.C., O. Clary and Tiina Roose 2009 A dynamic model of annual foliage growth and carbon uptake in trees. J. R. Soc. Interface 6, 1,087-1,096. [2009.1]

  139. Fowler, A.C. 2009 Dynamics of subglacial floods. Proc. R. Soc. A465, 1,809-1,828. [2009.2]

  140. Hewitt, I.J. and A.C. Fowler 2009 Melt channelization in ascending mantle. J. Geophys. Res. 114, B06210. [2009.3]

  141. Fowler, A.C. 2009 Instability modelling of drumlin formation incorporating lee-side cavity growth. Proc. R. Soc. A465, 2,681-2,702. [2009.4]

  142. Fowler, A.C., Raquel Toja and Carlos Vázquez 2010 Temperature dependent shear flow and the absence of thermal runaway in valley glaciers. Proc. R. Soc. A466, 363-382. [2010.1]

  143. Fowler, A.C., B. Scheu, W.T. Lee and M.J. McGuinness 2010 A theoretical model of the explosive fragmentation of vesicular magma. Proc. R. Soc. A466, 731-752. [2010.2]

  144. Fowler, A.C. 2010 The instability theory of drumlin formation applied to Newtonian viscous ice of finite depth. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A466, 2,673-2,694. [2010.3]

  145. Fowler, A.C. 2010 The formation of subglacial streams and mega-scale glacial lineations. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A466, 3,181-3,201. [2010.4]

  146. Zammett, R.J. and A.C. Fowler 2010 The morphology of the Martian ice caps: a mathematical model of ice-dust kinetics. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 70, 2,409-2,433. [2010.5]

  147. Lee, W.T., A.C. Fowler, O. Power, S. Healy, and J. Browne 2010 Blowing of polysilicon fuses. Appl. Phys. Letts. 97, 023502. [2010.6]

  148. Fowler, A.C., J.A. Ward and S.B.G. O'Brien 2011 A simple model of multi-component etching. J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 354, 421-423. [2011.1]

  149. Winstanley, H.F., M. Chapwanya, A.C. Fowler and M.J. McGuinness 2011 A polymer-solvent model of biofilm growth. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A467, 1,449-1,467. [2011.2]

  150. Fowler, A.C. 2011 A note on the derivation of the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity equation. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 105, 340-350. [2011.3]

  151. Fowler, A.C. 2010 Weertman, Lliboutry and the development of sliding theory. J. Glaciol. 56 (200), 965-972. [2011.4]

  152. Ward, J.A., A.C. Fowler and S.B.G. O'Brien 2011 Acid polishing of lead glass. J. Maths. Indus. 1, 1. [2011.5]

  153. Chapwanya, M., C.D. Clark and A.C. Fowler 2011 Numerical computations of a theoretical model of ribbed moraine formation. Earth Surf. Process. Landf. 36, 1,105-1,112. [2011.6]

  154. Drobnjak, I. and A.C. Fowler 2011 A model of oscillatory blood cell counts in chronic myelogenous leukaemia. Bull. Math. Biol. 73 (12), 2,983-3,007. [2011.7]

  155. Mayer, C., A.C. Fowler, A. Lambrecht and K. Scharrer 2011 A surge of North Gasherbrum Glacier, Karakoram, China. J. Glaciol. 57 (204), 904-916. [2011.8]

  156. McGuinness, M.J., B. Scheu and A.C. Fowler 2012 Explosive fragmentation criteria and velocities for vesicular magma. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 237-238, 81-96. [2012.1]

  157. Fowler, A.C., R.E.M. Rickaby and E.W. Wolff 2013 Exploration of a simple model for ice ages. Int. J. Geomath. 4, 227-297. [2012.2]

  158. Fowler, A.C. and H.F. Winstanley 2012 Movement of a sessile cell colony. Math. Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad. 112A (2), 79-91. [2012.3]

  159. Fowler, A.C. 2013 The motion of ice stream margins. J. Fluid Mech. 714, 1-4. [2013.1]

  160. Stokes, C.R., A.C. Fowler, C.D. Clark, R.C.A. Hindmarsh and M. Spagnolo 2013 The instability theory of drumlin formation and its explanation of their varied composition and internal structure. Quat. Sci. Revs. 62, 77-96. [2013.2]

  161. Fowler, A.C. 2013 Thermal convection in ice sheets. J. Glaciol. 59 (213), 190-192. [2013.3]

  162. Kyrke-Smith, T.M., R. F. Katz, and A. C. Fowler 2013 Stress balances of ice streams in a vertically integrated, higher-order formulation. J. Glaciol. 59 (215), 449-466. [2013.4]

  163. Fowler, A.C. 2013 Note on a paper by Omta et al. on sawtooth oscillations. SeMA Journal 62, 1-13. [2013.5]

  164. Fowler, A.C., M. Spagnolo, C.D. Clark, C.R. Stokes, A.L.C. Hughes and P. Dunlop 2013 On the size and shape of drumlins. Int. J. Geomath. 4, 155-165. [2013.6]

  165. Winstanley, H.F. and Fowler, A.C. 2013 Biomat development in soil treatment units for on-site wastewater treatment. Bull. Math. Biol. 75, 1,985-2,001. [2013.7]

  166. Fowler, A.C., H.F. Winstanley, M.J. McGuinness and L.B. Cribbin 2014 Oscillations in soil bacterial redox reactions. J. Theor. Biol. 342, 33-38. [2014.1]

  167. Kyrke-Smith, T.M., R.F. Katz and A.C. Fowler 2014 Subglacial hydrology and the formation of ice streams. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A470, 20130494. [2014.2]

  168. Fowler, A.C. 2014 Respiratory control and the onset of periodic breathing. Math. Mod. Nat. Phenom. 9 (1), 39-57. [2014.3]

  169. Fowler, A.C. 2014 Starvation kinetics of oscillating microbial populations. Math. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 114 (2), 173-189. [2014.4]

  170. McGuinness, M.J., L.B. Cribbin, H.F. Winstanley and A.C. Fowler 2014 Modelling spatial oscillations in soil borehole bacteria. J. Theor. Biol. 363, 74-79. [2014.5]

  171. Fowler, A.C. and M. Chapwanya 2014 An instability theory for the formation of ribbed moraine, drumlins and mega-scale glacial lineations. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A470, 20140185. [2014.6]

  172. Kyrke-Smith, T.M. and A.C. Fowler 2014 Subglacial swamps. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A470, 20140340. [2014.7]

  173. Cribbin, L.B., H.F. Winstanley, S.L. Mitchell, A.C. Fowler and G.C. Sander 2014 Reaction front formation in contaminant plumes. J. Contam. Hydrol. 171, 12-21. [2014.8]

  174. Fowler A.C. 2015 A simple thousand year prognosis for ocean and atmosphere carbon change. Pure Appl. Geophys. 172 (1), 49-56. [2015.1]

  175. Winstanley, H.F., M. Chapwanya, A.C. Fowler and S.B.G. O'Brien 2015 A 2-D channel-clogging biofilm model. J. Math. Biol. 71, 647--668. [2015.2]

  176. Fowler, A.C., Alison C. Rust and M. Vynnycky 2015 The formation of vesicular columns in pahoehoe lava flows. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 109, 39-61. [2015.3]

  177. Khaleque, T.S., A.C. Fowler, P.D. Howell and M. Vynnycky 2015 Numerical studies of thermal convection with temperature- and pressure-dependent viscosity at extreme viscosity contrasts. Phys. Fluids 27, 076603. [2015.4]

  178. Fowler, A.C. and T. Déirdre Hollingsworth 2015 Simple approximation methods for epidemics with exponential and fixed infectious periods. Bull. Math. Biol. 77, 1,539-1,555. [2015.5]

  179. Kyrke-Smith, T.M., R.F. Katz and A.C. Fowler 2015 Subglacial hydrology as a control on emergence, scale and spacing of ice streams. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surface 120, 1,501-1,514. [2015.6]

  180. Evatt, G.W., I.D. Abrahams, M. Heil, C. Mayer, J. Kingslake, S.L. Mitchell, A.C. Fowler and C.D. Clark 2015 Glacial melt under a porous debris layer. J. Glaciol. 61, 825-836. [2015.7]

  181. Fowler, A.C., P.D. Howell and Tania S. Khaleque 2016 Convection of a fluid with strongly temperature and pressure dependent viscosity. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 110, 130-165. [2016.1]

  182. Fowler, A.C. and T. Déirdre Hollingsworth 2016 The dynamics of Ascaris lumbricoides infections. Bull. Math. Biol. 78, 815-833. [2016.2]

  183. Fowler, A.C., T.M. Kyrke-Smith and H.F. Winstanley 2016 The development of biofilm architecture. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A472, 20150798. [2016.3]

  184. Fowler, A.C. and Bettina Scheu 2016 A theoretical explanation of grain size distribution in explosive rock fragmentation. Proc. R. Soc. A472, 20150843. [2016.4]

  185. Livingstone, S.J., D. Utting, A. Ruffell, C.D. Clark, S. Pawley, N. Atkinson and A.C. Fowler 2016 Discovery of relict lakes: their geometry and mechanism of drainage. Nature Communications, doi:10.1038/NCOMMS11767. [2016.5]

  186. Fannon, J.S., A.C. Fowler and I.R. Moyles 2017 Numerical simulations of drumlin formation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A473, 20170220. [2017.1]

  187. Fowler, A.C. and C. Mayer 2017 The formation of ice sails. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 111 (6), 411-428. [2017.2]

  188. Duley, J.M., A.C. Fowler, I.R. Moyles and S.B.G. O'Brien 2017 On the Keller-Rubinow model for Liesegang ring formation. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A473, 20170128. [2017.3]

  189. Moyles, I.R. and A.C. Fowler 2018 Production of nitrate spikes in a model of ammonium biodegradation. Theoretical Ecology 11 (3), 333-350.

  190. Fowler, A.C. and H.F. Winstanley 2018 Microbial dormancy and boom-and-bust population dynamics under starvation stress. Theor. Popul. Biol. 120, 114-120.

  191. Fowler, A.C. and M. Robinson 2018 Counter-current convection in a volcanic conduit. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 356, 141-162.

  192. Fowler, A.C. 2018 The philosopher in the kitchen: the rôle of mathematical modelling in explaining drumlin formation. GFF 140 (2), 93-105.

  193. Ikoyi, I., A. Fowler and A. Schmalenberger 2018 One-time phosphate fertilizer application to grassland columns modifies the soil microbiota and limits its role in ecosystem services. Sci. Tot. Environ. 630, 849-858.

  194. Fowler, A.C. 2019 Phase transition in the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation. J. Stat. Phys. 174 (5), 1,011-1,026.

  195. Fannon, J.S., I.R. Moyles and A.C. Fowler 2019 Application of the compressible I-dependent rheology to granular chute flow instability. J. Fluid Mech. 864, 1,026-1,057.

  196. Fowler, A.C. 2019 The scientific legacy of George Gabriel Stokes. In: George Gabriel Stokes: Life, Science and Faith, eds. M. McCartney, A. Whitaker and A. Wood, pp. 197-216. O.U.P., Oxford.

  197. Duley, J.M., A.C. Fowler, I.R. Moyles and S.B.G. O'Brien 2019 Regularisation of the Ostwald supersaturation model for Liesegang bands. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A475, 20190154.

  198. Benn, D.I., A.C. Fowler, I. Hewitt and H. Sevestre 2019 A general theory of glacier surges. J. Glaciol. 65 (253), 701-716.

  199. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 2019 The size of Mandelbrot bulbs. Chaos, solitons and fractals: X 3, 100019.

  200. Pereira, V.E. and A.C. Fowler 2020 Exsolving two-phase flow in oil wells. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 114 (3), 283-305.

  201. Ikoyi, I., A. Fowler, S. Storey, E. Doyle and A. Schmalenberger 2020 Sulfate fertilization supports growth of ryegrass in soil columns but changes microbial community structures and reduces abundances of nematodes and arbuscular mycorrhiza. Sci. Tot. Environ. 704, 135315.

  202. Ikoyi, I., B. Egeter, C. Chaves, M. Ahmed, A. Fowler and A. Schmalenberger 2020 Responses of soil microbiota and nematodes to application of organic and inorganic fertilizers in grassland columns. Biol. Fertil. Soils 56 (5), 647-662.

  203. Knappe, J., C. Somlai, A.C. Fowler and L.W. Gill 2020 The influence of pre-treatment level on biomat development in soil treatment units. J. Contamin. Hydrol. 232, 103654.

  204. Moyles, I.R., J.G. Donohue and A.C. Fowler 2021 Quasi-steady uptake and bacterial community assembly in a mathematical model of soil-phosphorus mobility. J. Theor. Biol. 509, 110530.

  205. Fowler, A.C. 2021 Atto-foxes and other minutiae. Bull. Math. Biol. 83, 104.

  206. Fowler, A.C. 2022 Non-equilibrium growth of a binary alloy. IMA J. Appl. Math. 87, 354-379.

  207. Holness, M.B. and A.C. Fowler 2022 The formation of three-grain junctions during solidification. Part I: observations. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 177, 55.

  208. Fowler, A.C. and M.B. Holness 2022 The formation of three-grain junctions during solidification. Part II: theory. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 177, 58.

  209. Fowler, A.C. 2023 A note on the snout. J. Glaciol. 69 (273), 211-216.

  210. Garvey, R.S. and A.C. Fowler 2023 On the mathematical theory of plumes. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 117 (2), 79-106.

  211. Donohue, J.G., B.J. Florio and A.C. Fowler 2023 The development of deep-ocean anoxia in a comprehensive ocean phosphorus model. Int. J. Geomath. 14 (1), 12.

  212. Fowler, A.C. and M.J. McGuinness 2023 Bursting solutions of the Rössler equations. ANZIAM J. 65, 93-110.

  213. Fowler, A.C. and Marian B. Holness 2024 Interfacial growth morphologies in dense eutectic crystal mushes. IMA J. Appl. Math. 88 (5), 677-701..

  214. Fowler, A.C. 2024 Glacier and ice sheet flow. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., in press.

  215. Garvey, R.S. and A.C. Fowler 2024 The principle of competitive survival. Math. Proc. Roy. Ir. Acad., in press.


Fowler, A.C. 1979 Training mathematicians for industry. Technology Ireland, October issue, p. 26.

Fowler, A.C. 1986 Sliding with cavitation. Hydraulic effects at the glacier bed and related phenomena. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie 90, 46. ETH, Zürich.

Fowler, A.C. 1989 Review: Mathematical Biology, by J.D. Murray, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1989). The Pelican 1988-89, pp. 55-58, Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

Aldridge, C.J., A.C. Fowler and R.L. Molla 1991 Real-time modelling of transient steam-water flows in boilers. OCIAM Technical Report no. 1, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 126 pp.

Aldridge, C.J. and A.C. Fowler 1991 Real-time modelling of transient steam-water flow in a condensing channel. OCIAM Technical Report no. 2, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 67 pp.

Aldridge, C.J. and A.C. Fowler 1991 A single-channel two-phase flow model for a plate-fin heat exchanger. OCIAM Technical Report no. 3, Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 37 pp.

Fowler, A.C. (ed.) 1991 Nonlinear dynamical systems, fractals and chaos. (Contributors: C.J. Budd, D.S. Broomhead, K.J. Falconer, A.C. Fowler). Mathematical Institute, Oxford, 112 pp.

Fowler, A.C. 1991 Coming back to Oxford. The Pelican Record 38 (1), 46-48, Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

Fowler, A.C. 2002 Review: Perspectives in fluid mechanics, eds. G.K. Batchelor, H.K. Moffatt and M.G. Worster, C.U.P., Cambridge (2000). Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 96, 519-524.

Fowler, A.C. 2003 Glaciers. In: Encyclopedia of Atmospheric Sciences, eds. J.R. Holton, J. Pyle and J.A. Curry, Academic Press, pp. 869-875.

Fowler, A.C. 2003 Drainage under glaciers and ice sheets. Milestones in physical glaciology. Mitteilungen der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie 180, 21-22. ETH, Zürich.

Fowler, A.C. 2004 Review: Advances in applied mechanics, vol. 39, eds. E. van der Giessen and H. Aref. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 11947.

Fowler, A.C. 2005 In praise of Tolkien. The Pelican Record 42 (1), 76-79, Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

Fowler, A.C. 2006 Review: Analytical methods for heat transfer and fluid flow problems, by B. Weigand, Springer 2004. J. Fluid Mech. 547, 442-443.

Mercer, G., A. Wilkins, J. Crook, S. Barry and A. Fowler 2008 The shelf life of wine. In: Proceedings of the Mathematics-in-Industry Study Group 2008, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Wollongong, Australia, pp. 102-125.

Fowler, A.C. and P. Dunlop 2008 Field guide to the I.G.S. post-symposium tour (18 pp.). This was the guide for the three day excursion to Galway and Mayo following the IGS symposium on 'Dynamics in glaciology', August 2008.

McGuinness, M.J., A.C. Fowler, B. Scheu and W.T. Lee 2009 Exploding rocks. Int. Conf. Numer. Anal. Appl. Math., eds. T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Ysitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings 1168, vol. 2, pp. 1,442-1,445.

Lee, W., O. Power, A. Fowler, S. Healey and J. Browne 2009 Blowing polysilicon fuses. Int. Conf. Numer. Anal. Appl. Math., eds. T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyios and Ch. Ysitouras, AIP Conference Proceedings 1168, vol. 2, pp. 1,461-1,464.

Gibbon, J.D. 2018 The Pharmacopoeia Mathematica, with contributions from Andrew Fowler, Sam Howison and Len Armour. Mathematical Intelligencer 40 (4), 62-64.

Chopovda, V., R. J. Clarke, A. C. Fowler, L. A. Fullard, J. Goodman, L. M. Thomasen and S. W. Taylor 2018 Predicting the shelf life of milk powder. In: Proceedings of the 2016 Mathematics and Statistics in Industry NZ Study Group, MINZ-2016, eds. Graeme Wake and A. J. Roberts, ANZIAM J. 58, M379-M421.

Fowler, A.C. 2019 An older torpid. Pelican Record 55, 61-62.

Fowler, A.C. 2020 Review of Principles of glacier mechanics, by Roger LeB. Hooke. Vadose Zone Journal 19 (1), e20073. Please excuse the American spelling of 'practicing', not my idea.

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